
Air Duct Cleaning

Indoor air quality is the biggest concern home owners have when they are considering air duct cleaning. Contaminated air ducts can contribute to serious problems for people with respiratory health conditions, asthma, autoimmune disorders and certain environmental allergies.  In a typical six-room home, up to 40 pounds of dust is created annually through everyday living. Your heating and cooling system are literally the lungs of your home.

Although you may regularly change the air filter in your furnace, many people often forget to consider the build-up of dirt, dust and contaminants that linger in the duct work itself. Through normal occupation of a home we generate a great deal of contaminants and air pollutants such as dander, dust and chemicals.

If you notice on a day-to-day basis that you, or someone in your home is always sneezing or has a runny nose, it may be due to contaminated air circulating in your home.

Here are some things that indicate air duct cleaning could be a solution for you:

  • Do you notice a fine film of dust that appears on your surfaces even after you have done a thorough dusting and vacuum?
  • Do you or a member of your household experience congestion, sneezing or breathing issues?

Did You Know?

We use the only duct cleaning system that brushes and vacuums at the point of contact!  You’ll notice a difference in your air quality immediately!

What makes us stand out?

At Core Cleaning we use the Rotobrush method for all our Air Duct Cleaning. Ask us why we think this is so important when you call today to book your duct cleaning! Using our state of the art Rotobrush system.  We clean each vent in the home, starting upstairs and finishing with the main trunks in the basement. Our trained technicians send down a spinning brush attached to a high powered vacuum hose, this brush loosens the dirt, and the vacuum sucks it away before it has chance to settle.  

This is the only system that brushes and vacuums at the point of contact.  You will immediately notice a difference in the air you breathe. We highly recommend sanitizing the system after it has be cleaned, we use a hospital grade antimicrobial called Benefect

Before After

2-5 years is a good guideline, unless you have sensitivities, like allergies, asthma or respiratory issues within the home, then every 1-2 years is recommended. 

No, you will notice a fresh scent that will dissipate within a day or so, it is strictly a sanitizer, and will not cause perfume headaches. 

If you have had your ducts cleaned previously, for them to have done a good job there will be a hole cut into your main trunks in the basement. They should be properly sealed after cleaning with screws and tape so not to compromise the flow of the system.

We will use the same holes, or cut new ones to ensure your main trunks are clear of debris. We will seal them all properly.

When you call Core Cleaning for a quote we are very transparent in the costs you can expect for duct cleaning.  When your services with us are completed there will be no hidden or suprise costs added to your bill.    

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