Nicotine Stain & Smoker Cleanup

Core Cleaning uses specialized tools and products, along with our 30 years of experience to clean your hard surfaces like wall, floors and ceilings as well as carpets, furniture and draperies.

The same yellow stains on your walls, furniture, and carpet come from the same nicotine in tobacco that stains your skin and teeth. The accumulation of years of cigarette smoke often leaves brown or yellow stains and streaks on walls and furniture in homes and apartments where indoor smokers reside.

Typically, you will need to hire a professional like, Core Cleaning, to remove the greasy residue instead of just covering it up with paint.

Did You Know?

The only effective way to totally remove this extremely thick and deeply embedded greasy stain from a home is with the use of a specialized expert technique.  Painting over nictotine stains will only cause it to bleed through the paint later on, leaving you with the same problem you started with. 

Each surface of a home is contaminated by cigarette smoke. Smokers typically don’t even notice the stench, while non-smoking visitors are hit with it as soon as they enter.

There are numerous “do it yourself” solutions that only address the surface of the issue.  Core Cleaning is aware that nicotine stains are a special kind of problem and require more detailed attention.

Removing nicotine stains and smells in your home means cleaning the things you see like walls, fixtures etc.  AND the things you don’t see air ducts, windows and floors etc.  

Contact us today so we can put together a complete cleaning package for you!

Contact Core Cleaning for expert nicotine stain removal immediately for a clean, fragrant home that you can see, feel, and breathe the difference in.

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