Air Quality In Your Home In Winter

During the winter months we concentrate on keeping the cold air out, we don’t always remember to concentrate on the quality of our indoor air.

We are less likley to open windows in the winter and the air inside our homes can become stale and toxic.  

Mould spores can live and thrive in your duct system, especially as we often have humidifiers attached to our furnaces to combat the dryness of the heating season. The moist air inside your duct system attracts allergens such as pet dander, and creates the perfect warm, moist conditions that mould spores thrive in. 

In there winter there tends to be more viruses circulating as well, these too can just be continously spread through your air ducts.  

One of the best ways to keep your indoor air quality high is to get the ducts cleaned in your home.  At Core Cleaning we recommend having them cleaned every 3 years.  Asthma and allergy sufferers may want to consider having them cleaned more frequently.  

If you have someone in your home who seems to always have a cough or is sick alot that may also be an indication that your ducts need to be cleaned.  

Contact Core Cleaning today to find out more about this Speciality Service.Â