Why Cleaning Your Air Ducts Is Important

Ever wonder what’s inside of your air ducts and why it’s important to have them cleaned?

All kinds of things can be found inside your duct work, but mostly it’s dust.  What exactly is dust made up of?  It’s a combination of, skin cells (pets and people), hair, fur, clothing fibers, paper, bacteria, dust mites, bits of dead bugs, soil particles, pollen, and microscopic specks of plastic. Gross huh?

In a typical six-room home, up to 40 pounds of dust is created annually just through everyday living. That’s a lot of dust. 

Although you may regularly change the air filter in your furnace, we often forget to consider the build-up of dirt, dust and contaminants that linger in the duct work itself.  

When we turn on the furnace or the air conditioner, we’re just re-circulating all of that dust throughout your home and the air that you breath.  It’s important to keep them clean so the air moving throughout your home is fresh and clean.

When should you have your air ducts cleaned?  Rule of thumb is they should be cleaned at least every 3-5 years.  If you have someone in your home with asthma or allergies, you may want to consider getting them cleaned every 1-2 years.

Your home may also be telling you it’s time to get your ducts cleaned you may notice:

  • You notice a fine film of dust that appears on your surfaces even after you have done a thorough dusting and vacuum
  • You or a member of your household experiences regular congestion, sneezing or breathing issues
  • Your air filters getting dirty faster
  • There are unexplained spikes in your energy bill
  • The airflow in your home isn’t consistent from room to room
  • Unexplained noises in the ductwork

What makes duct cleaning by Core Cleaning stand out from the rest?  We use the Rotobrush method, which is the only system that brushes AND vacuums at the point of contact.  We clean each vent in the home, starting upstairs and finishing with the main trunks in the basement. Our trained technicians send down a spinning brush attached to a high-powered vacuum hose, this brush loosens the dirt, and the vacuum sucks it away before it has chance to settle again.  

As an added bonus we can also sanitize your ducts after cleaning using a hospital grade antimicrobial cleaning solution called Benefect which is 99.9% effective against bacteria!  

When our technicians are finished cleaning, you will immediately notice a difference in the air you breathe. Contact us today for a quote!